Sunday, March 16, 2008
Public Speaking Competition

Mr. Tanawat Phaovibul, a first-year Social Science major, was one of five university finalists in the Thai Public Speaking Competition 2008, which was sponsored by the English-Speaking Union and held in Bangkok on March 14. He won the contest and will go on to appear at the international competition, which will be conducted in the United Kingdom in May.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Annual Field Trips

The Art and Photography/Multimedia Clubs went on a joint field trip to Prachuabkirikan on the weekend of March 7-9. Forty members from each of the clubs, along with instructors and staff members, devoted their time and efforts to drawing, painting and practicing photographic techniques.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Faculty & Staff Unity Camp

The MUIC Human Resources Department sponsored a Faculty and Staff Unity Camp, the first in a series of such events, on March 7-8 at the Koh Sichang Resort, Chonburi. Forty faculty and staff members participated in the two-day session which focused on communication, team building and time/conflict management.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Open House

On February 28 the Science Division held an Open House, featuring its new facilities on the fifth floor of the new extension (Building 3), which include new laboratories for chemistry, biology and environmental studies, along with a new lab preparation room. The occasion also served to highlight the division’s current research efforts.
The following week, on March 6, the Humanities and Foreign Language Division sponsored an Open House, featuring its new facilities in the Salaya Center (where Siam Commercial Bank currently operates). Although the classroom complex on the third floor was completed last trimester, the offices for faculty and staff were only recently completed.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Personality Development Seminar
Students of the MICE Management and Seminar in Travel Services Management classes sponsored a seminar for approximately 100 MUIC students on March 5 in the college auditorium. A representative from John Robert Power delivered a presentation on “Personality: a Key to Your Success,” focusing on personality development techniques.
Excursion to Kanchanaburi

Approximately 40 members of the Volunteer Club traveled to the Baan Kaeng Pralom School in Kanchanaburi Province on March 2, a follow-up excursion to their 10-day visitation this past December. Apart from assessing the effectiveness of the school’s recently-extended canteen area, the volunteers donated additional books, school supplies and bicycles.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Honoring Faculty and Staff

On March 3, the 39th anniversary of His Majesty the King granting the university its name, Mahidol University conducted a special ceremony at the Office of the President Building to recognize the contributions of long-standing faculty and staff members. Seven MUIC faculty and 18 staff members participated in the event.