Monday, July 28, 2008
2008 Graduates

On the morning of Saturday, July 12, MUIC conducted a congratulatory ceremony for its 2008 graduates in the college auditorium during which the graduates received an English version of their diplomas. Professor Chariya Brockelman, Director of MUIC, and the divisional chairmen extended their congratulations, citing the achievements of this year's graduate. Mr. Ekularn Watanatanasup, one of the first class honors students, then delivered an address on behalf of the graduates. After the official ceremony, the graduates were treated to a luncheon at the Salaya Pavilion Hotel.
The 2008 graduates subsequently participated in Mahidol University's official commencement exercise on July 16, which was held at the Thai Navy Convention Hall and was presided over by HRH Princess Sirinthorn.