Sunday, September 30, 2007
ID Card Policy
Picture: MUIC students with their ID cards displayed.
Mahidol University International College will implement and enforce a strict ID card policy, beginning this 2007-08 academic year, in accordance with Mahidol University (MU) guidelines. The purpose is to ensure the safety and security of all MUIC members.
All faculty members, staff members and students will be provided with an ID card, along with a card holder and neck cord. The ID card is intended to serve as proof of an individual’s status at MUIC and provides access to the resources and services provided by the college.
If your ID cards are not openly displayed, the college security guards have the right to deny you access to the premises. Moreover, you will be required to wear your ID cards at all times when you are in MUIC buildings or on the MU campus.
Mahidol University International College will implement and enforce a strict ID card policy, beginning this 2007-08 academic year, in accordance with Mahidol University (MU) guidelines. The purpose is to ensure the safety and security of all MUIC members.
All faculty members, staff members and students will be provided with an ID card, along with a card holder and neck cord. The ID card is intended to serve as proof of an individual’s status at MUIC and provides access to the resources and services provided by the college.
If your ID cards are not openly displayed, the college security guards have the right to deny you access to the premises. Moreover, you will be required to wear your ID cards at all times when you are in MUIC buildings or on the MU campus.